In order to transition your puppy to its new home and environment in the best way possible for potty training, we have implemented a process called "pellet potty training". This process is considered to be the fastest and best way to help your puppy learn to go potty outside, or whatever you deem as the correct place for going potty.
When puppies are very young, at approximately 1 week old, we start introducing them to pellets. Believe it or not, this is done before they can see or hear! Puppies are born with incredible senses for touch and smell, and we use that to our advantage at an early age.
By instinct, puppies generally do not want to go potty where they sleep, eat or play. But it is up to us to help them identify where they can go. By using pellets, it helps the puppy easily identify the area by touch and by smell. But we also have the added bonus of having an area that is easier to clean up, smells better, and creates much less of a mess!
By the time the puppies are 3-4 weeks old, they are generally 85% - 90% fully pellet trained! YES, you heard that right! We are constantly going live with our followers on social media to show them how our puppies go potty in the designated area! People cannot believe that an animal that has barely learned how to walk knows where to go potty. Is it perfect? No. But most puppies know exactly where to go, and it only gets better as they get older.
The pellets work like magic. When a puppy goes pee on the pellet, they immediately start to break down and turn into a sawdust texture. This makes it incredibly easy to identify and clean up. It absorbs the liquid and the smell. When a puppy goes poop, it also makes it easy to clean up. And if a puppy tracks a paw through either messes, the additional pellet laying around the affected area help clean their paws off before tracking it all over their sleeping/playing areas.
Another advantage to having your puppy pellet trained is that you can avoid taking your puppy outside before it is fully vaccinated. Or maybe you live in an area with bad weather? There are a lot of reasons why pellet training is preferred.
We use a product called Nature's Bedding, which seems to be available at just about every farm store. The bags are 40 pounds, and only cost about $7.00! We use the regular kiln-dried pine pellets.
We recommend buying a tray that will allow you to pour pellets into. The ones we use are made specifically for rabbit cages. They have a 2.75" high wall all around, which allows the puppy to get in and out easily without knocking pellets all over your floor. Here is a link to one you can buy on Amazon.
We hope this explains our process a little clearer on why we pellet potty train our puppies. We know that you will be so impressed when you receive your puppy and see how smart and attentive they are when it comes to being potty trained!